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Site Council

Site Council 2021/22 Agendas and Minutes

Site Council 2020/21 Agendas and Minutes

Site Council is comprised of the principal or designee, teachers, classified staff member, parents/guardians, and students.
The purpose of the Site Council shall be to:
  • Annually review the school plan, establish a new budget (Categorical Funds), and if necessary, make other modifications in the plan to reflect changing needs and priorities
  • Recommend approval of the plan as revised to the district governing board
  • Meet on a regular basis to become informed, share information, discuss needs and successes, and plan improvements
  • Measure the effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school
  • Seek input from school advisory committees
Meeting Dates 2021/2022 - All dates, times, and locations of the Site Council meetings will be posted to the PGHS website calendar. Meetings will occur on the third Thursday of the month (listed below) in the PGHS Library at 3:00 pm.
  • October
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
The agenda for each Site Council meeting will be posted electronically on the PGHS website calendar and in the main office 72 hours prior to the meeting. Minutes of each meeting will be posted once approved by the Site Council.
A school that operates a categorical program funded through the consolidated application (ConApp) shall establish a school site council (SSC) if such program requires a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (California Education Code [EC] Section 65000[b]).
The SSC shall develop the content of the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]). The SPSA shall be reviewed annually and updated, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and the local control and accountability plan (LCAP), if any, by the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).
The SPSAs shall be reviewed and approved by the governing board or body of the local educational agency (LEA) at a regularly scheduled meeting whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for pupils covered by programs identified in this part (EC Section 64001[i]). If a SPSA is not approved by the governing board or body of the LEA, specific reasons for that action shall be communicated to the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).

School Site Council Composition

The members of the SSC represent the composition of the school’s pupil population and notwithstanding the size of the school, the composition of the SSC shall ensure parity between the groups (EC Section 65000[a]).
The SSC in a secondary school shall be composed of the following two groups (EC Section 65000[c][2]):
School Group Members (Secondary Schools):
  • The principal of the school or his or her designee;
  • school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, selected by school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, and
  • classroom teachers employed at the school, selected by classroom teachers employed at the school; The classroom teachers selected shall constitute a majority of the school members selected (EC Section 65000[c][2][A]); and
Parent and/or Community and Pupil Group Members (Secondary Schools):
  • Parents of pupils attending the school, or other members of the school community, selected by parents of pupils attending the school; and pupils attending the school, selected by pupils who are attending the school. The number of parent and/or community members and pupil members selected shall equal the number of school members selected (EC Section 65000[c][2][B]).
In other words, the minimum number of SSC members at a secondary school is a total of ten (10) (e.g. 1 principal or his or her designee, 1 other school personnel, 3 classroom teachers, and 5 parent/community and pupils members).