Breakers Club
"Shine our shoe" dinner dance
"Shine our shoe" dinner dance
The Breakers Club of Pacific Grove High School is preparing for the annual "Shine our Shoe" Dinner Dance and Auction which will be held on:
August 26, 2022 at First Awakenings in Monterey (6:00 PM - 10:00 PM).
This Fundraising event is a long-standing tradition and precedes the annual "Shoe Game" against Carmel High School, which has been held for over 30 years. Proceeds from this event benefit every athlete at Pacific Grove High School. This event is our largest single-event fundraiser of the year.
We are asking for community support to help the Breakers Club reach our goal of gifting $20,000 to Pacific Grove High School sports teams this year!

Become a Member of the Breakers Club or Breaker Board
Become a Member of the Breakers Club or Breaker Board
Breakers Club is made up of parents, faculty, administrators, alumni, local businesses and fans of Breaker sports. We encourage all to be a part of Breakers Club and offer a number of membership levels.
WE HAVE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ON THE BOARD. As with any non-profit group, we need a core of volunteers to navigate the group through the seasonal tides. Each position has a one year term. There is no maximum number of terms one can serve. All positions are open each year for election/re-election.
Join Us at All Home Football Games
Join Us at All Home Football Games
Football games do draw our largest crowds and Breakers Club Members and Football Parents volunteer at the Breaker Stadium concessions stand during each home football game. Therefore, we encourage all parents of all of our student-athletes to sign-up. Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and neighbors are welcome, too. Football concession monies make up a majority of our annual contribution to all PGHS sports. We thousands of dollars each year. The money is portioned out to sports teams at PGHS by the athletic director. In recent years we have donated more based on need and effort. Effort comes in the form of membership support and volunteers in the concession stands. This translates to more money available for your student-athletes and their sport(s). Additionally, if your student plays another sport that does not have concessions, working at the gym or football concessions is a great way to stay involved since your student’s team is still benefiting from the profits.
Join us at Board Meetings
Join us at Board Meetings
Breakers Club meets the second Tuesday or Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm at the high school. We adjust the meeting days to try to accommodate all of our sports parents and so they don’t miss a game.
The link below, under volunteer opportunities, includes the games schedules and sign ups to volunteer for the concessions.
Concessions (particularly during football games) easily accounts for 40% of our fundraising efforts each year. Please share the link with any/all sports families. Breakers Club exists to support all athletic teams at PGHS. A large check is written at the start of each year and distributed by the Athletics Director to teams.